#DVAM2019 is Almost Here!

Old photos stacked on top of each other. #1Thing

As we count down the days to Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), we’re excited to share some new resources and upcoming activities from the Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP), a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. The DVAP supports and promotes the national, tribal, territorial, state and local advocacy networks in their ongoing education efforts through public awareness campaigns, strategies, materials, resources, capacity-building and TA. The voices, leadership and expertise of those who have experienced violence have informed the DVAP since its inception in 1998. We embrace the idea that Awareness + Action = Social Change. You can be part of the equation! 

Pride Month 2019

person holding a rainbow umbrella

This Pride Month marks 50 years since the June 28, 1969 uprising at the Stonewall Inn, when patrons of the New York City gay bar resisted harassment and abuse during a police raid. Although Stonewall was far from the first time that LGBTQ communities fought back against discrimination, it served as catalyzing moment in the struggle for LGBTQ rights. And while we have made significant progress as a society in the decades that have passed since that night at the Stonewall Inn, much work remains...

Honoring Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

On May 5th, National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women sheds light on the alarming violence committed against Native women and girls [...] Indigenous women are murdered or go missing at a disturbing rate, and nearly half (47.5%) of American Indian/Alaska Native women have experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey...

International Women’s Day 2019

Image reading International Women's Day Image 2019, featuring NRCDV & NIWRCs logos






This year, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) and NRCDV partner to honor the survival and resilience of our Indigenous sisters, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and aunties, despite enduring generations of forced colonization and genocide. Homicide is a leading cause of death for Native women, and compared to their white counterparts, Native women are five times as likely to have experienced physical violence by a non-Native intimate partner.

TDVAM 2019

Bright yellow background with #1Thing logo. Two young women standing in front of logo with their backs to audience. Both have backpacks over their shoulder. Awareness + Action = Social change logo at bottom. DVAP & TDVAM logos.

NRCDV’s Domestic Violence Awareness Project is carrying our #1Thing message into February as we work to promote healthy relationships, consent, and support for survivors in recognition of Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month. Each and every one of us can play a role in preventing relationship violence across the lifespan, promoting gender and racial equity, and creating the world we wish to live in – and that can start with just one thing!

16 Days of Activism: End Gender-Based Violence in the World of Work

In the coming weeks, some important days remind us of the necessity of examining the issue of gender equity through a human rights lens. From the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th to International Human Rights Day on December 10th, the 16 Days of Activism campaign motivates us to take action in our communities to end all forms of gender-based violence around the world. Throughout 16 Days of Activism 2018, let’s work together to dismantle the systems of inequality and oppression that perpetuate gender-based violence.

5 Takeaways & Lessons Learned at Facing Race 2018

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) is devoted to continual learning and education around racial justice as a core element of our gender and social justice work. We refer to this collective journey as our Racial Justice Initiative. For our organization, this means that our staff and board at all levels are dedicated to investing in racial equity and bringing it to the front and center of our work. This November, it also meant that several of my colleagues and I were able to attend the #FacingRace 2018 Conference.

Voter Engagement and Participation: An Important Role for Advocates

As advocates working with and on behalf of survivors of domestic and sexual violence, we are often in a unique position to see the real impact that laws and policies have on people’s daily lives – on their safety, health, economic security, and well-being. We can notice patterns and gaps in how systems are or are not responding, and by deeply listening to survivors and communities, we can help identify policy solutions that can make a significant positive difference.•

At NRCDV, we’re taking time this Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) to share the importance of voting and civic engagement and to highlight the connections between how we vote and the policies that impact survivors’ lives.

DVAM 2018: What's Your #1Thing?

Social justice movements thrive when each person does their part in advancing the cause. For some, this might mean canvassing in your community before a local election or volunteering for a local crisis line. It could also be educating your loved ones about microaggressions, showing up regularly to rallies for racial justice, or sharing your story of resilience as a survivor.

“Doing your part” to end domestic violence looks different for each and every one of us, but the key is that we act. When we go beyond raising awareness to taking action by showing up, stepping in, and speaking out, real social change is possible. That’s why, for Domestic Violence Awareness Month(DVAM) this October, we’re challenging you to find the “one thing” you can do to promote social change, and then take ACTION!
